Danish architect and furniture maker Peter Qvist creates iconic, state of the art furniture pieces. An uncompromising approach to creating unique and highly original furniture has led to the perfect balance of design, functionality and art. 

The furniture is made in the workshop in Hornbæk north of Copenhagen, Denmark, and demonstrate how digital manufacturing meets skilled craftsmanship. The wood elements are produced via high precision CNC milling with minimal waste of material.

The designs along with high quality materials brings the furniture to a level of highly modern handcrafted furniture pieces, and for every one of them leaving the workshop we take pride in being able to deliver it in the highest standard.

CNC milling


Treatment with oil and wax

The design story 

Peter Qvist, born in Denmark in 1976. After architect study at the age of 25 Peter bought a piece of land, so he could explore wood construction possibilities with his own hands. Here he could combine designs in theory with craftmanship.

Along with this experimental construction, Peter also began designing and making his first furniture. First by hand alone and later with the use of digital cnc based machinery. In fact, Peter made his first cnc furniture in the year 2004.

Energy architectural concepts

The following years from 2004 and forward Peter's main interest was innovation in the implementation of renewable energy technologies in the building sector such as the passive house concept, solar cells, small wind turbines, electric vehicles and hydrogen technologies. This resulted, among other projects, in the H2PIA concept, world’s first hydrogen city, which was conceptualized in collaboration with a number of companies and public institutions in Denmark. Peter was in charge of planning the energy technological and architectural scenarios.

Architectural projects

As the years passed Peter designed several houses/buildings in Denmark, such as single-family houses, summerhouses and halls.

But there were 2 things that restricted Peter's desire for design expression and presence throughout the projects. First there were obvious constraints on how far to draw some architectural visions, in terms of financial limits, building regulations, etc. Second, most of the time Peter was located behind the desk and soon the work disposition was 10% the creative design process and 90% administration, meetings etc. He missed the creative space and the physical presence in the projects.

Parametric design

Peter's urge to explore new ways remained yet unchanged. Now parametric design started gradually to arouse his interest, and Peter's first parametric building design was constructed in the form of a small fire hut, which he built together with his dad.

During this process, Peter began to see the possibilities of using the parametric 3D tools in furniture design, and that turned out to be the beginning of a new start. A new start where Peter again could combine designs in theory with craftmanship, and where he could define the framework for the design expressions and ideas himself.

The furniture start up

With the many years of experience in designing in association with craftmanship, it began to make more and more sense for Peter to focus on furniture. In this field he could return to freedom, free mind and action in the manner he liked it. And somehow, this approach together with his aesthetic style is reflected in the range of furniture represented today. The pieces of furniture are like independent works, each expressing their own distinctive identity. Some furniture pieces appear complex and sophisticated in their design expression, while other pieces appear with a clear simplicity. Ranging from abstract sculptural pieces to more stylish functional pieces.

Sustained design innovations

The endless design and construction possibilities are really what drives Peter. He has a continual interest in and search for new furniture shape and structures. An almost natural and unconscious approach to design innovation. Once a workable idea or sketch is achieved, the big fine-tuning work begins e.i. dimensioning and assembly details etc., and after several prototypes of persevering work the final furniture design is achieved. Some of the furniture pieces Peter has had underway for several years.

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